“To create and sustain a neighbourhood that provides high quality spaces, places and housing, and enable all residents, businesses and organisations to thrive.”
Culture and Economy
Support, nurture and connect community and cultural activities in Chapel Allerton
Focus on greater community cohesion and respecting our spectrum of social needs
Work with relevant stakeholders to provide the infrastructure that enables local independent businesses to flourish
Celebrate and strengthen our area’s heritage assets
Ensure our Conservation Area ethos is adhered to and echoed across the whole of the neighbourhood
Have proactive relationships with relevant developers and Leeds City Council planners
Be involved in Planning Application decisions, in order to enable joined up and long term aspirations for Chapel Allerton’s future
Improve the public realm by always using good quality materials, street design, trees and soft landscaping.
Review the supply and demand of housing provision and requirements; working towards a variety of housing choices
Enable people to choose to live in Chapel Allerton no matter their age or personal circumstances
New developments should respect our two conservation areas and provide sustainable housing options
Sustainable Travel
Define a coherent travel plan that seeks a greener future
Ensure Chapel Allerton is pedestrian and bike friendly, accommodating resident’s needs and uniting green spaces
Actively increase the number and quality of our green environments and dwell spaces
Support and encourage growing local food
Work towards accessibility for all in all public places and spaces
Create a joined up network of green spaces that promote greater wellbeing for our residents